Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Translation Tool in Admin Area

Default contents of PRO Club are always pulished in the default language in english. Until you translate these contents into your language(s), default contents in english will be displayed in the website in order to ensure a better web experience to your users. Learn below how to manage your translations in the Admin Area.

When accessing Content Management -> Translation, the main page displays an indicator of the translation progress of the country(-ies) you are in charged of. To access the translation module, you have to click on the icon on the right side of the screen.


The translation of the website from default language (english) into your language(s) can be done in two different ways:

-          directly in the Admin Area: filling in the cells on the right side of the tool

-          exporting the content from Admin Area to excel, and importing the translation back into Admin Area


Both procedures are totally compatible. Depending on the volume of text to be translated, it is better to choose one option or the other. For a few sentences, we recommend that you translate online. Thanks to the search tool, you will locate very easily the sentence(s) to be translated. However, if the volume is more important, it is more convenient to export/import your translation in Excel.
To manage isolated translations more conveniently, the search tool allows to display texts in different ways, thanks to the dropdown list: "all", "texts pending to be translated", "already translated texts".
To work with export/import in excel format, please click on the button , fill in the fields of the column B of the excel file, without modifying format, nor adding-deleting-moving columns. When your translation is ready, save your file, click on , and select it in your File Explorer.

To make your translation go live, no matter if you used the translation tool or the excel method, it is necesary that you click on 

The purpose of  is to allow you to decide the exact moment when you want your new texts to go live, in case you work together with a larger team or a translation agency for example.